Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Early Morning Algoma Navigator

I decided to head up to the Port Huron area on Sunday morning.  I saw what appeared to be a bunch of ships passing through the area.  There were a couple of ships that I was hoping to catch and a bunch that kind of suprised me.  First up is one of the ships that surprised me.
 I decided to start my morning in St. Clair.  That is where I was hoping to catch the Arthur M. Anderson.  As I pulled into the park, I saw the Anderson just to the north and as I surveyed the river, I saw the Algoma Navigator to the south.
 She has appeared on this blog in the past a few times, so I'm not going to go into her details here.  I'm just going to talk about the pictures.  I think one of the things I've noticed about the river in the morning is that it is fairly smoothe.  That makes for some nice reflection pictures.  Plus with the sun hitting her just right, I'm fairly pleased with this picture.
 A shot of her pilothouse as she passes by.
 I really like this shot but I kind of wish I were on the Canadian side so that I wasn't shooting into the sun.  But I still think this is a pretty nice picture.
She heads up the river.  I would briefly catch her at Marysville as she was refuelling but that was the last I would see her.

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