Monday, May 19, 2014

The Arthur M. Anderson Approaches Duluth

There are a few ships that get me excited and the Arthur M. Anderson is one of them.  When I saw that she was on her way to Duluth, I had to make sure that I caught her.
 She starts to come in off of Lake Superior.  To her port (or the picture's starboard), you can see either the Henry Jackman or Thunder Bay.
 The Anderson is one of a few classic lakers still sailing on the Lakes.  She is probably one of the more famous as she is the ship that was last in contact with the Edmund Fitzgerald on that fateful night.
 Despite being close to 60 years old, she still has a lot of life left in her.
 Despite the scrapes and dents on her paint, she still looks very good.
 It's kind of hard to avoid the scrapes and dents given how hard these boats are used.
 I like the crew member waving.
 A shot of her deckhouse.
 And another.
 She works her way down the canal.

 She makes her turn towards her first stop of the day.
She had to deliver stone to one of the docks here.  After she finished this, she would head over to the ore dock to pick up iron ore.  I am hoping to catch her in the morning.

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