Friday, May 23, 2014

The James R. Barker Enters Duluth

So as I said in the last post, I was waiting for the James R. Barker to enter the harbor.
 One of the things about boatwatching is that you get opportunities to take pictures of other things.  Especially if it's going to be a while before the boat appears.  The South Pier Lighthouse.
 The other lighthouse
 A shot of the Lake Superior Shore.  This is actually a sandbar that separates the Lake from the Bay.  It is the longest freshwater sandbar in the world.
 I kind of liked the reflections in this picture.
 I kind of liked the ripples in this picture.
 I liked the reflection in this shot as well.
 Another shot of the merganser.
 After a while, the Barker finally appeared over the horizon.  It's amazing how small a giant ship looks when she's on the horizon.
 She starts to appear closer.  As you can see there is still some ice in the picture.
 And she appears in her giant form.
 It's amazing how much water these vessels push up.
 I love the bow wave.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 She starts to approach the bridge.
 I love this view.
And she turns towards the channel.

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