Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Mesabi Miner Leaves Duluth

So I saw that the Mesabi Miner would be leaving Duluth, so I decided to head back down to the canal to catch her leaving.
 It was still pretty foggy, so the fog horn was going pretty strong.
 The water was still pretty smooth, so the reflections were pretty nice.
 Just a closer shot of the lighthouse.
 Looking at the North Light.
 A seagull flying overhead.
 The shadow of the Miner starts to appear.
 She become a little more pronounce.
 And she appears.
 Can almost see her pilothouse.
 Her bow and the other lighthouse.
 Her pilothouse.
 Another shot of her pilothouse.
 She starts to head off into Lake Superior.
One more shot before I head off.

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