Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Michigan State Capitol Building

My final stop for the day was the Michgan State Capitol Building in Lansing.  I figured since it was on the way, I might as well get some pictures since I haven't in a while.
 I was really hoping to get some cherry blossoms with it, but instead, I get a picture of the Spanish American War statue.
 And then the 1st Michigan Sharpshooters.
 The Capitol Building itself is a pretty impressive looking building.  It is a shame that the people who work in it don't live up to this standard.
 Looking up at the building.
 A sort of straight out shot.  It seemed like many people were using it as the backdrop for their prom pictures.
 The Michigan State Seal.
 The building from another angle.
 The First Regiment of Michigan Engineeers.
 A memorial dedicated to the people of Michigan that fought in other wars.
 Some cherry blossoms.
 Another cherry blosson.
 Another group of them.  Sadly, it was fairly windy so it was difficult getting pictures of them.
A statue dedicated to Austin Blair who was Michigan's governor during the Civil War.  He was a strong opponent of slavery and led the effort to ban capital punishment in Michigan.  He also served in Congress.  Towards the end of his life, he was Regent for the University of Michigan.  He died in 1894 and is the only politician to be honored on the grounds of the State Capitol.

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