Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Peter R. Cresswell on the St. Clair River

I also noticed that two ships were heading upbound.  If I hurried, I could catch them at Marine City in the good light.
 We didn't catch them in Marine City but we did catch them in St. Clair.  The first of the pair was the Peter R. Cresswell.  She has appeared on this blog before a few times.
 She is mostly used in the cement trade which is a dirty business and her hull shows it.  Closely behind her is the subject of my next post.
 But for now, I will just concentrate on the Peter R. Cresswell.  The light was just about perfect.  Although it would have been better if it emerged from the clouds a bit.
 Which it started to do.
 Giving me this shot.  I like the way it seems to glow.
 It is always nice to catch a ship during the "golden hour".
 A shot of her bow.
 One beam shot.
 Another not quite so beam shot as she starts to head up the St. Clair River.
 She turns away.

 Giving me a stern shot.
 We then headed up to Marysville to get a couple more shots.
 Sadly, the sun was getting lower and the light more diffuse.
 But enough for a shot of her bow.
And pilothouse.  She was heading up to Goderich.

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