Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Roger Blough Passes Port Huron, MI

You would think I would be tired of looking at ships after basically spending all of last week doing just that.  Well, I don't think I can do that.  As I said in my last post, I saw that I had an outside chance of catching the Roger Blough as she passed Port Huron.  I wasn't sure that I would be able to because it was starting to get late.
 Port Huron is still the site of the Saltie Convention.  There are still quite a few waiting off the coast for pilots to take them to their intended destinations.
 After some wait, the Blough finally appeared.  Sadly, the sun was settting fairly rapidly, I didn't have nearly enough light for it.  It was still cool to catch a ship on the same trip.
 She starts to pass by.  I kind of like the lights in this one.
 I did a little work in lightroom to lighten this one up.  I kind of like the picture.
And a shot of her stack.  The light on the stack would have illuminated her US Steel logo back in the day.

Maybe I will get a chance to catch her on the way back up.

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