Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Sam Laud Passes Belle Isle

As I was about to leave Detroit, I decided to check AIS to see if anything would be passing by.  I didn't think there was because it seemed like everything had already passed.
 But I got a pleasant surprise in seeing that the Sam Laud would be passing by Belle Isle shortly.  I know that I caught her fairly recently but the light was right and I had to get pictures of her in that light.
 The wind was also kicking up, giving some good pictures of bow spray.
 She slowly turns towards the channel, giving a brief opportunity for a headshot.
 She finishes the turn and continues on her way towards the Detroit River.
 Again, giving another opportunity for bow spray.
 It seems like Lake Superior is returning to a degree of normalcy, so I think there are going to be more ships passing by soon.
 A kind of cool shot backed against the horizon.
 An even more impressive bow spray.
 With all the water kicking up, I had to get a shot of just the bow.
 A shot as she passes the Rocky Beach.
 Another shot because I like the beam shot.
 She slowly works her way down river.
And one more shot as she continues on her way to Cleveland.

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