Friday, May 30, 2014

The Start of the Peonies

I thought I would stop by Nichols Arboretum today to see if the peonies were starting to bloom.   Well, they were starting to bloom but not in any significant quantity.  Based on what they were saying, I should be able to have more later next week or by the weekend.
 There were a few that were blooming and they looked pretty nice.  Some of the partially pink ones.
 The deeper red ones.
 Another sort of pink one.
 I guess this is the hot pink one.
 A more pronounce pink.
 From a different angle.
 I'm not sure what these are.
 Or these.
 Same with these but I think they are pretty anyway.
And the house.

I will check later next week to see if things are more in bloom.  If so, I will have more pictures.  Enjoy these though because it means summer is around the corner.

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