Friday, May 2, 2014

The US Coast Guard Cutter Alder

As I arrived in St Clair, I noticed another ship there as well.  It turns out that she is a ship that I don't normally get to see.
 The US Coast Guard Cutter Alter (WLB-216) is a buoy tender/ice breaker that is normally in Duluth, Minnesota and doesn't normally operate in the this neck of the woods.  With the other vessels busy in Lake Superior dealing with all the ice, I think she was down here tending buoys.
 The Alder was built by Marinette Marine Company in Marinette, WI and was launched in 2004.    She is equipped with an advanced GPS system that allows accurate placement of buoys.  She is also equipped with an oil recovery system.  She is similar to the Mackinac and Hollyhock.
 A shot of her stack.
 And some of the buoys as she places them.
 I tried to get a shot of her crew.
 A shot of her bow.
One more shot of her before moving on.  It was kind of nice to see her since she doesn't normally operate in this neck of the woods.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just discovered your blog and I am officially in heaven!!! Love the pictures!! I am an officiall boat nerd!!!
    (sorry I accidently deleted my first comment)
    Kelly - Duluth, MN
