Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Little Time at the Zoo

The temperature was in the mid-60's today and the sun was shining, so I decided that it would be a good day to head over to the zoo.  I figured with a relatively cool day, the animals would be a little more active.
 Well, these animals can't get any more active than they already are, since they are bronze.  But I figure the Rackham Fountain is a good place to start.
 Another angle of the fountain.  I think this is a pretty cool fountain.
 I forget what these horses are called but they are wild horses.
 A condor.  I kind of like the way he was looking back at me.
 I believe this is a blue flag iris.  The zoo is kind of nice in the spring because they have a few wild flowers around the place.
 I think this was a rattlesnake of some sort.
 Reminds me of something you'd see in Thailand or something like that.  It is a sort of statue in the reptile building.
 Mr. Lizard!  Although I think this one is natural and not from smoking pot.
 I have no idea what kind of flower this is.
 Probably my second favorite exhibit in the zoo is the polar bear exhibit.    For a few brief seconds I can pretend I'm a National Geographic photographer on assignment in the Arctic.
 The polar bear was pretty active today.  There was a another one swimming around but I wasn't really in a position to get a picture of that one.
 Another shot of him.
 My favorite is the wolverine pen.  He was very active today.  He would grab whatever he's carrying in this picture, climb the tree, throw that down and climb back down.  It was pretty neat.
 Wolverines are pretty adapt climbers.  It didn't take him long to get up the tree.
 A little bit of lunch.
 One of two bald eagles in the Zoo.  Neither of them can fly and I think this is the younger of the two.  Apparently, he ran into a high power line in Alaska.  They were able to save him but now he can't fly.
 A pair of anteaters.
 A bird that I'm not sure about.
 Some sort of monkey, he was just relaxing on the lgos.
 I didn't notice the younger chimp until I looked at the picture when I got home.  It was kind of cool.
 I could just stay home and look at a sleeping cat.
 A pair of snow monkeys.
 The Siberian Tiger.  He was just sitting in the shade.
 Still looks pretty impressive though.
And I leave you with a shot of the tiger looking pretty regal.

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