Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Pair of Planes

So as I was heading home tonight, I looked up in the sky and saw what appeared to be a biplane.   So I decided to stop by the Ann Arbor Airport for some pictures.
 It was in fact a biplane that I saw.  I'm not sure what kind but it looks like one of the stunt versions.  Looks like it may be a WACO plane but I'm not sure.  Thanks to an alert reader, I found out it is a is a kit plane called a Stolp Starduster
 This one is a Cessna I believe.  Not sure what variety though.
 It's still cool to be doing some plane pictures.
 The biplane making another go at it.
 The plane gets into position for takeoff.
 And it takes off into the menacing looking sky.  I decided to follow it for one more pass.
 The Cessna coming in for another landing.  It was kind of cool to watch how effortlessly it was.
 The Cessna coming in for a final approach.
 The biplane coming in for it's landing.  I didn't stay much longer after this landing because it started to rain.
So I took one more shot of the biplane.
And then I took one more shot of the Cessna and headed home.

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