Sunday, June 1, 2014

Amongst the Wildflowers

There was a little trail behind the lighthouse.  I wouldn't have walked down it but something caught my eye.
 What caught my eye was this flower, which I believe is wild blue phlox.  This was at the edge of the woods and would have been enough.
 However, some trillium caught my eye.  So I wandered over to get some pictures of that.
 As I moved around the trail, I found more trillium.
 And then I saw the green and white variety.
 Another green and white one.
 And just a normal white one.
 And a pink one.
And then I was back where I started.

I thought it was pretty cool to see some trillium since I was thinking it may have been too late for it.  I was pretty happy to get a good variety of it to boot.  I could have wandered through the trail more to catch more of it.

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