Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sturgeon Falls Starts to get a Makeover

As I said in one my last posts, I decided to start redoing my buildings in styrene.  I sarted with the train station and have started to do some of the other buildings.  I'm really liking the way they are turning out.  With a little more patience and practice, I think I can get them to look more realistic.
 I'm still going to keep the names of the buildings the same though.  As it currently stands, the Railway Arms is still the tallest building in town.  I decided to add a mural to the side of the building because I think that is something they would do.  The Railway Arms was also still built in 1895.
 The other two buildings have shrunk down to two stories but they are still the same names.
 I ended up adding a Coke machine to the train station.  For some reason, I would think it would be there especially if travelers want some refreshment.
 The Amtrak waiting at the station.
 Another view of the station itself.
 Then I decided to take some pictures of my trains, even though I'm going to be taking some pictures of real trains later.  My Norfolk-Southern engine.
 I really like this angle of it.
 I would not recommend getting this angle with a real train.
 This is probably my favorite car of the bunch. 
 My Union Pacific engine.
 My BNSF engine.
 The Union Pacific from a different angle.
And I leave you with the Amtrak engine.

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