Monday, June 30, 2014

The St Clair Passes Under the Bridge

It seems like its pretty rare when I see one ship at the Bridge.  It's even rarer when I see two there.  And I don't think I've ever seen three in this short of a span there.  But I did.
 Next up is the ship that I was expecting to see...the St. Clair.  She has the distinction of being the ship most often confused for a 1000 footer.
 She's not though...she's only 770 feet long.  I say only like that is small.
 Again, she's a beautiful ship and this is a beautfiul setting.  If you notice the black dots all over the picture, that's not dust on my lens or sensor.  That is the cloud of bugs that was hovering over the beach.
 She slowly approaches the Bridge.
And passes under the Bridge.

Next up...the Soo.

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