Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Visit to Tahquamenon Falls

The next stop was Tahquamenon Falls. 
 I was hoping that the moose out front wasn't announcing that the park was closed.  He was just out there as a display.  It made for a pretty cool picture.
 I went to my normal spots along the edge of the falls.
 Took my slower shutter speed shots.
 Then I decided to head over to the gorge side since I rarely go over there.
 Don't step off the trail, you might step on a butterfly and alter the future.
 I should visit the gorge side more often because the view of the falls is nicer from over here.  The only problem is that I need my longer lens and it has a few more stairs.
 But the climb down is worth it.
 Especially as you get closer.  I can imagine it looks really nice in the fall.
 Shooting with a slower shutter speed.
 Trying some different angles.
 A closeup shot again.
 I wanted to have both the tree and the falls in focus.
 And then I saw a White Admiral butterfly land.  Sadly, this was the best picture of the bunch.
 Then I went over to my other spots.
And then there was a brief stop at the Lower Falls.  This is another place I should spend more time at.

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