Friday, July 25, 2014

Next Up....the Philip R. Clarke

It's not often that I get to catch one of the classic lake freighters.  It's even rarer that I get to catch more than one in one sitting.
 After the Arthur M. Anderson, I decided to head to the Blue Water Bridge in order to catch the Clarke coming off Lake Huron.  It was a really nice night for that.
 The sun was just about perfect for this.  It wasn't quite low enough yet but it would do.
 I think this is probably my favorite shot of the bunch.  Sadly, I was not in the right spot for a headshot.
 She slowly moved her way along.
 She's almost under the bridge.
 Her pilothouse as it passes by.
 The deckhouse under the Bridge.
And one more passing shot.  Kind of like the Arthur M. Anderson, I was hoping to catch her further down the river but things got in the way of those plans.

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