Thursday, July 3, 2014

Random Pictures from the Soo

This is just a bunch of random pictures that didn't fit in any of the other categories.
 The Soo Locks Administration Building.  It normally looks pretty nice but it's hard for it not to look nice in the sunset.
 The Post Office and other office building.
 A shot of the MacArthur Lock.
 A Canadian Survey Boat heading somewhere.
 The Corps of Engineer's Survey boat.
 And a shot of the inside.
 The Adminstration Building from an angle I can't normally shoot from.
 The helicopter was conducting a demonstration of a rescue.
 The Adminstration Building from across the Poe Lock.
 The Marine Post Office.
 A comparison of ships built 100 years apart.
 A visual depiction of just how many vehicles one ship can replace.
 The Davis Lock.  This lock is rarely used.  I think it's going to become part of the new lock, but I'm not sure.
Another Coast Guard boat.

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