Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Ludington Lighthouse and Other Things

We finally made it to the Ludington Pier after what amounted to a fairly full day.  I couldn't believe the number of people and we had to park a few blocks away.  I think it was worth it though.
 There were a fair amount of people that were gathered on the pier for the fireworks.  I was trying to get some dusk shots of the lighthouse.
 The Ludington Fire Boat announcing the sailing of the Badger (more on that in the next post).
 One of the Coast Guard vessels patrolling around the breakwater area.  They were trying to keep the fireworks area cleared.
 Another shot of the lighthouse as it was getting later.
One more shot with a pleasure boat coming in.  I didn't want to take too many pictures of the lighthouse because my battery was dying and I left the backup in my camera bag in the car.

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