Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Ojibway on Engineer's Day

So it was the day I've been waiting a year for...Engineer's Day.  And I couldn't have asked for a more perfect ship to see first.
 Before I headed down to the Locks, I saw that the Ojibway was passing by Sherman Park.   I couldn't pass an opportunity to take a picture of her there because ships look so nice passing by in the morning.
 The Ojibway is the ship that was built in Bay City and she's a beauty.
  She cuts a pretty nice profile to boot.
 So I headed over to the Locks.  I arrived in time to catch her as she was entering the Locks.
 One of the coolest things about Engineer's Day is that you can get a view like this.  If you look to the right, you can see how popular this event is.
 The giant ship slowly works her way into the MacArthur Lock.
 I love the headshots of these ships.
 She slowly approaches.
 The water was smoothe enough to get a nice reflection.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 Another full headshot.
 And a shot of her reflection in the water.
 After she stopped, I headed out because I wanted a shot of her on the water.
 I kind of liked the shot through the fence.
 Back at Mission Point for more pictures.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
And she heads down the river.

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