Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Saginaw Makes an Appearance

These pictures are going to be a little out of sequence with the rest of my posts from the Soo.
 As I was at the lighthouse, I decided to take a walk out towards the beach.  I scanned the horizon and noticed a ship off in the distance.  It turns out that the she was the Saginaw.
 This is about as close as she would get.
 I was able to catch up with her a little later as I got back to the Soo.  I wasn't sure if I would have enough light to catch her if she passed Mission Point, so I went to the park by Cloverland.
 She was moving at a decent speed and I loved the way the sky looked.
 So I went back to Mission Point to catch some pictures of her.
 She is a beautiful ship and the sunset made the pictures that much better.
 A relatively clutter free shot.
 A sort of beam shot.
 Her pilothouse.
And she works her way down the St. Marys River.

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