Thursday, July 17, 2014

Walking Around Eastern Michigan Tonight

I decided to take a walk around Eastern's campus for two reasons.  One, it was a fairly nice night and the sun was shining.  Two, I needed to go for a walk.  I really should try to walk more often for the exercise and generally I get rewarded with some decent pictures.
 Well tonight as I was heading towards campus, I was awarded by a passing train.  I wasn't in the best spot for it, but this will do.
 At various places around campus, they have some flower beds.  I'm pretty sure this is some sort of lily, but I'm not sure what kind.
 Pray-Harrold radiating in the setting sun.  I can see why they would call this the golden hour.
 A one room school house.  I think Eastern uses this for day care or something like that, but I'm not sure.
 This is Everett Marshall Hall.  I believe this where Eastern has its Health and Human Services program.  I also believe this is a new building built over a torn down one.
 The backside of Scherzer Hall.
 This is Eastern Michigan's oldest building, Starkweather Hall.
I still know it as McKenny Union but since the Student Union was moved, this is now just a hall.
 The Water Tower looking pretty radiant during the golden hour.
 Welch Hall which I believe is the second oldest building on campus.
 Pease Auditorium which is celebrating it's 100th birthday.
 The tower of Pierce Hall.
 Pierce Hall itself.
 Roosevelt Hall which used to be a high school at one time.
 Pray-Harrold which was always Pray-Harrold.
 This is Goddard Hall where I used to live for three years when I was a student.  Currently it stands abandoned.
 Another shot of Pray-Harrold.
 This is sort of the Main Street in campus but it doesn't really lead through Campus.
And a shot of the Paper Mill before heading home.

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