Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Algorail for my Birthday

Today is my birthday and as such I decided to take it off.  Well I took yesterday off too but with all the rain, I pretty much just putzed around.  I was thinking about going boatwatching yesterday but it was pretty nasty as I was heading out.  I'm glad I stayed home because it sounds like the return trip would have been ugly.  Not that it wasn't ugly heading out today but it wasn't too bad.  At any rate....pictures.
 I ended up heading down to Fostoria again today but I took a slight detour through Detroit.  I saw that there were two ships that would be passing by that I was very interested in.  I was actually hoping to catch them off Belle Isle but traffic gave me other plans.  Then I thought about catching them off Del Ray but I didn't want to wait long.  As it turned out, Milliken was just right.  I ended up catching the Algorail just as she was passing Belle Isle.  She was giving me a nice head shot.  If you look just behind her, you can see the John G. Munson.
 Between shots of the boats, I was treated to this bird.
 The Algorail is a pretty nice looking ship in my books and it is nice to see that they are giving her bow a fresh layer of paint at least.  Maybe that means she will be sticking around a little while longer.
 She was actually slowing down as she was passing.  She was also moving closer to Milliken State Park than the ships normally do.  I was fine by both things because it meant better pictures.
 It almost looks like they are setting up at the start line in this shot.
 But they really weren't.  Algorail just kind of slipped by.
 A shot of her profile.
 You can see that they've given her bow a fresh coat of paint.
 It would be nice if they would catch up to the rest of her though.
And she passes by.  She was just heading to one of the docks in Windsor.  Not sure where she was going to after that.

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