Sunday, August 17, 2014

Pictures From the Baseball Game Itself

So it was finally time for a game.  I was hoping that I would be seeing a good game.  They split the prior two games and they were pretty close.  The only doubt lingering in my mind was that the Tigers are in a bit of a slump right now.  It doesn't seem like their bats are producing the way they should be lately.
 The starting pitcher was Robbie Ray.  I believe he was called up from the minor leagues fairly recently.  I thought he would have a better outing that he did. 
 It just didn't seem like the Tiger bats were connecting today.  Or when they did connect, there was a Mariner waiting for the ball.
 Some Tigers connected.
 I guess I've been spoiled by watching the games from the field because I don't get views like this.  I don't know how many times I've tried to get what I thought would be a good shot only to have someone get in the way.
 About the only excitement from the Tigers' side of things was the double steal by Rajai Davis.  He stole second and then stole third the next play.  Sadly, the Tigers couldn't bring him in and it was a point in the game where they could have made a difference.
 I think many stadiums are going to the racing mascot motive.  These are supposed to be Chevys.
 This was probably the worst moment in the game.  It was two outs, the fielder caught the ball and then promptly dropped it.  One run scored as a result of this play and another run came across the plate.
 Normally, you would see the fountain during a Tigers' home run but since we didn't get any of those, we got it during the 7th Inning Stretch.
 The only reason I took this picture was because a plane was flying by.
 The Book Tower.
 Miguel Cabrera scoring the Tigers' only run.
 The Penobscot Building is to the left and the Stott Building is the one on the right.
 This was taken in the 7th or 8th Inning.  What started out pretty full ended up looking like this.
The Tigers ended up losing 8 to 1.  I just hope they find their way out of this slump soon.

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