Monday, August 25, 2014

The Battle of Fallen Timbers Monument

History is not always a pleasant thing, especially the history of the United States.  History is not always full of convenient facts.  One of those inconvenient facts is that when Columbus discovered America, it was already discovered by another group of individuals.  Of course, another incovenient fact is that Columbus didn't actually discover America (if we are taking the European view).  However, given that it was already settled by one group and another group was looking to settle it, there was bound to be warfare.
 The Ohio River boundary line established by the British by the Treaty of Stanwix in 1768 recognized that certain tracts of lands belonged to the Native Americans.  However, the United States did not recognize that treaty since they felt that a certain part of the Treaty of Paris gave them the land.  The Native Americans had a different viewpoint, since they were not a part of the treaty of Paris.
 In 1790 or so, the Western Alliance of various Native American tribes was formed to defend what they thought were their lands.  It achieved several early victories over the American forces and alarmed Washington.  In 1792, he appointed "Mad" Anthony Wayne to lead the American troops against the Native Americans.
 The conflict became to be known as Little Turtle's War and the Native Americans sought to kick out the white settlers that were trying to make what is now known as Ohio home.  This is known as the Turkey's Foot, it was used as a rallying point by the Native Americans.
 This relief depicts the Native Americans arrayed against the Americans.  They consisted of people from the Chippewa, Ottawa, Delaware, Potawatami, Miami, Shawnee, Mingo and Wyandot tribes.  Little Turtle came from the Miamis and the other leader of the group was named Blue Jacket and he came from the Shawnees.
 A relief depicting the white settlers.  I'm sure they had peaceful intentions but they were trying to settle land that was already settled.
 Blue Jacket took a defensive position along the Maumee River and I think this is the site that they originally thought was the battle field.  Wayne took his troops north from Cincinatti and built forts along the way.  He also took the time to train his men because the American forces that faced the Native Americans before weren't well trained and would break ranks at the first sign of trouble.
 The battle occurred on August 20, 1794.  The battle was over fairly quicky as Wayne charged with bayonets and outflanked with his cavalry.  The Native Americans tried to reach the safety of a British fort, but the British commander there refused to help fearing a war with the United States.
 Some of the flowers nearby.
 Another one.
 Because of the success of the battle, the British agreed to vacate their forts in the area and ceded the land to the United States.  This allowed the settling of Ohio.  The United States also signed the Treaty of Greenville with the Native Americans.  This would set the line that divided the United States from the Native Americans....but as history would prove out..this line kept moving west.
 A part of the statue depicting the Native American warriors.  The statue itself was built in 1929.
I think this where the Battle actually occurred.  It was called the battle of the fallen timbers because some trees were felled by a violent storm before the battle.  The Native Americans thought the fallen timbers would slow the advance of the Americans.

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