Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Lovely Kaye E. Barker Passes the Belle Isle Fishing Pier

After eating lunch and watching trains for the morning, we decided to start heading home but we wanted to first make a stop in Cleveland in an attempt to catch the Saginaw.  She stopped there sometime last night and we were hoping to catch her on the way out.  Sadly, she was leaving Toledo as we were entering and we missed the prime boat watching spot.  We then figured we might have a chance to catch her in Detroit but sadly, she was continuing east from Toledo and wouldn't pass Detroit today.
 Since we were in Detroit, we decided to head over to Belle Isle to catch the Kaye E. Barker which had just left a load of iron ore at the Rouge Steel Docks.  She would be heading back to Marquette in order to pick up another load of taconite and repeating the cycle.
 She's a beautiful ship and the fact that she was recently fitted with diesel engines means that she will probably be sailing on the Lakes for a while longer.
 And I think that is a good thing.
 She starts to work her way past the Coast Guard station.
I figured I would pull out a little bit to get a better picture of the Coast Guard station.

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