Monday, August 18, 2014

The Passing of the Torch

Well, I knew the day would come when I would have to get myself a new camera.  I was actually hoping to avoid this day because I like my old camera.  It was starting to behave wonky and as I was at the baseball game yesterday, I was starting to get a couple of wierd errors.  Prior to that, the Info screen would come on for no reason, so I was starting to look into a new camera.
I've had this particular camera for five years.  It was the camera that I started this blog with.  It has been on the Empire Builder, California Zephyr, Southwest Chief, Capitol Limited, Lakeshore Limited and of course the Wolverine.  It's been a few plane trips.  It's covered football and basketball games and a few other things.  It's not completely dead, so I will probably use it as my secondary camera during football games so that I don't have to swap lens.

If you look closely, you will see spots where the black paint has started to wear off.  That's not because I abused the camera but I used it alot.  So it will get to enjoy a sort of retirement.

My new camera is a Canon 70D, so it is a couple models up from this one.  It has a few more bells and whistles and there are some things that I learn.  I can only hope that it lives up to the camera pictured above.

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