Monday, August 18, 2014

The Roger Blough Passes Marine City

Even though there were other ships passing down the River, the one I really wanted to see was the Roger Blough.
 I was able to catch her in Marine City.  She still has that scaffolding on her pilothouse, I would imagine that is because they are trying to paint her.  I think she has a few years of sailing left in her.
 The paraplane flies over the Blough.  I guess I'll this a bifecta even though it's not a proper plane.
 The Roger Blough moves a little closer.
 She gives off her profile.  One thing I noticed is that she seems to be riding a little lower in the water.  I would imagine that is because the lakes are riding a little higher this year.
 So I ended up moving to another spot in Marine City so that I could catch her again.  I'm glad I did.
 She passes by.
 A shot of her stern.
And one more shot before moving on.  I wanted to chase her down to Algonac, but I had other ships that I wanted to catch.

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