Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Scott Fountain is Actually a Fountain

I'm glad that the groups that have been working on Belle Isle haven't stopped since it became a State Park.  I think the DNR has the resources to improve the island but it still needs the efforts of the groups that were trying to improve the island to help out.
 I'm not sure what group was doing it, but there was a group working on restoring the Scott Fountain.  I remember seeing the fountain as a fountain before but it seemed rare. 
 Something tells me that there were a few issues with the fountain but then again, years of neglect will do that.  It is nice to see it in it's full glory.  Hopefully, they will be able to clean the stones so that it is a nice shade of white again.
 It really is a nice fountain.
 The sky was pretty nice too, especially since there were a few clouds in it.
 A shot of it's full glory.
 I really like the lions.
 I was looking at this and I liked the way the light on the fountain almost matched the light in the sky.
 Looking up at the fountain.
 A statue of James Scott.  This is the man who donated the money to build the fountain.  He stated it had to be named after him though.
 Looking at the skyline from the fountain.
 Another angle of the Lion.
 I wanted a shot of the moon in this one.  I kind of like it.
One more picture for good measure.

I may have to take a tour around Belle Isle to show things that have improved and things that probably need improvement.  I think it is looking nicer but it still has a long way to go.


  1. It's step in the right direction and looking great. But it is going to take a change of the mindset of the city to bring it back completely. It took a long time to get to where it is and will take a while to bring it back.

  2. Wow it looks magnificent working especially with the Detroit skyline in the background! Hopefully the DNR will get more backing and support from the city council to bring more of Belle Isle back to it's former glory, I still hear so much opposition.
