Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Wolverine By Any Other Name

If there is one constant with Great Lakes shipping, it's that things change.  Cargoes change, the weather changes, even the Lakes themselves are changing.  Some ships are no different.  At one time this ship was known as the Wolverine.  That was when she was owned by Oglebay Norton.  After Oglebay Norton went bankrupt, she was no longer named the Wolverine.
 After she was taken over by her current owners, she was renamed the Robert S. Pierson after the founder of the Soo River Company.  The Soo River Company only lasted from 1975 to 1982.
 Since I like Wolverines, I wish they would have kept her original name.  But I guess that's okay, since I think she's a pretty neat looking ship.
 I'm not sure where she is coming from, but she is heading to Hamilton and based on the dock she is going to, I am guessing that she is carrying grain.
 She slowly works her way down the Detroit River.
 She starts to give me her profile.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 A better shot of her profile.  I tried to get this one so that I could get the moon in the shot.
 She starts to move towards Windsor.
 And she falls under the watchful Eye of Sauron.
 She starts to get framed by Downtown Windsor.  To the right, you can see the subject of my next post.
 One more shot of her with Windsor as a backdrop.
She then passes under the Ambassador Bridge.

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