Saturday, September 20, 2014

Eastern Michigan at Michigan State Football

So as part of my photographic role at another blog, I was at Spartan Stadium to watch Eastern Michigan play the Spartans.  Well allegedly play the Spartans anyway.  I think the outcome of the game was pretty much predetermined before the teams stepped on the field but there's a reason why they play the games.
 The bus ride from the parking lot to the stadium.  It seems there are parking lots spread throughout the campus area.  Parking itself was free but the bus ride cost five dollars.
 A shot of the stadium itself.  Spartan Stadium was built in 1923 to replace the Old College Field.  At the time it was named College Field and could hold 14,000 people.  In 1935, the stadium was expanded to hold 26,000 people and was renamed Macklin Stadium.  It was further expanded in 1948 and 1956.  In 1956, it was expanded to 76,000 and given it's current name.  In 2004, Luxury Boxes and club seating were added giving it's current capacity of 75,005.  It is the Big Ten's Sixth largest stadium.
 The Eastern Michigan band entering the stadium prior to the game.
 A shot of the stadium from the inside.  It was still fairly early and people were starting to take their seats.
 I just liked the beat up look of this helmet.
 The Eastern Michigan band taking the field.
 The Spartan Band taking the field.  They had a pretty cool sounding entry cadence.
 Another shot of the band.
 Sparty flags flying.
 An extreme close up of Sparty.  In 1925, Michigan State took the name of Spartans.  Prior to that, they were known as the Aggies.
 One of the Michigan State receivers working his way around the Eagle defense.
 One of several Spartan Touchdowns during the game.
 The Eastern Michigan Offensive LIne.
 Another Spartan breaking a tackle.
 The Eastern Michigan band during halftime. 
 Quarterback Rob Bolden during a run.
 Tyreese Russell celebrating Eastern's second touchdown.
 A pair of Michigan State cheerleaders.
 Sparty celebrating a touchdown.
 Sparty dancing during the drumline.
The final score was 73-14.  Eastern Michigan had a few bright moments in the game but for the most part, the Spartans had their way.

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