Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Red Tailed Hawk in the Arboretum

As I was heading out of the Arboretum, I looked at the top of one of the lamp posts and I saw this guy.  He was kind of hanging around, so of course I had to go grab my camera.
 I think this is a falcon.  Turns out that this is a red-tailed hawk and not a falcon.  Thanks to one of my friends for pointing that out.  I wish I could have gotten a better angle on him because he was hanging out in front of the helipad.  It would have been nice to get a picture of two cool birds.
 I was amazed at how close he let me get but I guess falcons are a little more comfortable with people than eagles.
 I will have to admit, they are pretty regal looking birds.
 But I guess I got a little too close.
 However, he didn't fly too far away.
 I was still able to get fairly close but I didn't want to cross the tracks.
One more shot.

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