Friday, October 24, 2014

Ann Arbor in Black and White

Continuing on with my black and white theme of late, I decided to head over to Ann Arbor to get some pictures for tonight.
 It's amazing how well buildings lend themselves to black and white.  It's also amazing how things come out when the picture is taken in black and white.
 One of the window displays.
 Another window display.  It seems to be dedicated to football season.  I was actually surprised to see an Eastern Michigan banner hanging in the display.
 An old school leather football helmet.
 I kind of liked the way this display ended up looking.
 Nickels Arcade from the other side.
 Hill Auditorium with the Burton Memorial Tower peeking out from behind.
 The Burton Memorial Tower peeking over some trees.
 It was getting dark and fortunately I brought my tripod with me.  I've never really done a fountain using a really slow shutter speed.  I really like the way it came out.
 It almost looking like there is a layer of fog over the water.
 From another angle.
 The Horace H. Rackham Graduate School building lit up.
 The Burton Memorial Tower.  This was probably the best angle I shot of it tonight.
 Looking down towards the Graduate Library.
 The Michigan League.
 The Museum of Natural History.  This is a pretty nice looking building, I think.
 The Samuel Trask Dana Building.  This is where the School of Natural Resources and Environment calls home.  It was originally built in 1905.  It originally housed the Departments of Anatomy, Histology, Pathology, Bacteriology, Physiological Chemsity and Hygiene.    It's kind of a nice looking building.
 A rabbit.  Sadly, I couldn't get much closer and I didn't have my other lenses with me.
 This used to be the Engineering Building until it moved to North Campus.
 The Block M at the center of the Diag.
 The old Graduate Library.
 Looking down towards the Burton Memorial Tower.
 The University of Michigan Museum of Art.
 The Michigan Union.
 Angell Hall.
 Newberry Hall.  This is where the Museum of Arcaeology is housed.
 The First Congregational Church of Ann Arbor.
 I decided this shot had to be in color.
 Looking down State Street.
And one more shot in Black and White,.

1 comment:

  1. I love the black and white for this application. Your twilight and after dark shots are beautiful.
    Nice job.
