Monday, October 27, 2014

Eastern Michigan in Black and White

I liked the pictures I got of the University of Michigan that I got in black and white so much that I figured I would do the same for my Alma Mater.
 As I said in my last post, it was a pretty nice day, so I figured it would be a good day for a walk around campus.  Of course I had to start with the most prominent feature of our campus.
 I wish I could get a good angle on Welch Hall.  A building this old deserves more than just a shot of it's door.  Although it's a pretty nice door.
 I can always get a good angle on McKenny Hall.
 A nice shot of the front of the building.
 With the leaves mostly gone, Sherzer Hall comes out of hiding. 
 Starkweather Hall looks nice in color or black and white.  I guess the oldest on building on campus is stuited to black and white.
 Another angle of Starkweather.
 The tower at Pierce Hall.
 A shot of Pease Auditorium.
 Roosevell Hall.  At one time this was a high school that was run by Eastern Michigan.
 Pray-Harrold.  This is the largest classroom building on campus.  Since there are many programs housed here, it is likely you will spend some time here as an Eastern student.
 The boat house.  They didn't have this building when I was student.  I just wish it were a little calmer because I like the reflections.
 A bridge.
 The new Student Union.
 An old schoolhouse.
 As I was heading back to my car, this view kind of caught my eye.  Briggs Hall is on the left and Pierce Hall is towards the back of the picture.
One more shot of Sherzer before moving on.

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