Saturday, October 18, 2014

Scotty Simpson's Fish and Chips

I had a little time to kill until the next ship, so I decided to grab some lunch.  I keep telling myself, that I need to try some of the off the beaten path places.  I'm not entirely sure if this place is off the beaten path but it does count as a local eatery, so I went there.
 I saw a link to an article for this place on Facebook.  A couple posters said that you have to try this place and I figured I would.   On Saturday it opens at 2, so I had a little bit of wait and I decided to look around.  I'm glad I did because I saw that they only accepted cash, so I head to head over to the bank.
 It's kind of an unassuming building and it's tucked away in the middle of a neighborhood.  If you didn't know about it, you would be hard pressed to find it.  But it's not that hard to get to.
 Like I said, if you weren't actually looking for it, you wouldn't find it.
 I was kind of surprised how busy it was but usually that is a good sign.
 I couldn't decide what I wanted, so I got fish, shrimp and perch.  The breading was light and crispy and the fish tasted like it was right off the boat.  The fries tasted like they were freshly cut.  The cole slow was pretty good.  I decided to get a piece of pumpkin pie for desert and that was pretty good as well.
 A shot of the fry area.
The fish is pretty much traditionally battered.  And from a sign on the wall, this place has been owned by the same family for a while.  I would definately head back there again.

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