Sunday, October 5, 2014

Shots From Around the University of Akron

So I got to the game a little early.  I had visions of wandering around downtown Akron for a little bit but I wasn't feeling well.  Akron is in that part of Ohio where it starts to get hilly.  It looks like a pretty nice city but it also looks like yet another post-industrial Midwestern town.

Akron is the 5th largest city in Ohio and is almost due south of Cleveland.  It was founded in 1825 by Paul Williams and Simon Perkins.  At one time it was known as the Rubber Capital of the World because it was home to Goodyear, B.F. Goodrich, Firestone and General Tire.  Currently, only Goodyear calls Akron home.
 The University of Akron itself was founded in 1870 and currently boasts 27,000 students.  It is best known for it's polymer program.  Originally, it started as Buchtel College and became the University of Akron in 1967.  This building is Buchtell Hall and was one of the first buildings on campus.  At the time, it provided classrooms, living space, etc.  Now it is an administration building.
 A statue of Simon Perkins.  He represented his father and helped draw out the plans for Akron.  He was a supporter of Buchtel College and also founded Akron's first railroad.  This statue was built in 1895 and moved to its current spot in 1999.
 St. Bernard Church was established in Akron in 1861.  If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you know that I like churches.
 The Summit County Courthouse.
 The National Inventors Hall of Fame Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics High School is a pretty nice building in Akron.  It was founded in 1973.
 The Edwin Thomas Performing Arts Center was opened in 1973 and sets almost 3,000 people.
 I kind of liked this fountain.
 The Goodyear Polymer Center was built in 1991 and houses a research facility.  It has 60 labs and a few offices.
 It was kind of a peaceful campus.
 I'm not sure if this is an old Goodyear Factory but this shot was from the press box.
A shot of downtown Akron from the stadium.  I was really hoping to wander around town but I wasn't feeling all that well.  It looks like another town I need to find my way to.

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