Monday, October 13, 2014

The Fallasbug Covered Bridge

So I ended my day in Fallasburg and I'll have to say that it was a beautiful day.  The temperature was just about right and the sky was perfect.
 There was quite a bit more color here than at Ada and the river was much calmer and that made for a better picture I think.
 The bridge itself was cool as usual except for the fact that there were a bunch of people there who sort of had the same idea that I did.  You can see one of them on the approach of the bridge.
 There was one photographer taking engagement (or some type of pictures on the side), I was able to get them out of the way by tilting the camera and taking a side shot.  I however could not avoid taking a picture of the photographer taking some kid's picture.
 I guess I wouldn't have minded as much but she was taking up a bunch of time.  As I said, there were several other people there besides me that wanted pictures and I'm pretty confident they didn't want pictures of some woman in a pink shirt taking pictures of some kid.  In many instances, she was blocking traffic.
 Finally, the people cleared out and I was able to get some pictures of the bridge itself.  For this set, I was mostly shooting in manual mode so that I could get a little more control on how the colors turned out.
 Looking down the bridge itself.
 Overall, I'm pretty happy with the way the colors in these shots turned out.  This leads me to believe I may want to shoot in manual more often.
 I had to crop this picture to eliminate my favorite photographer and believe me it was fine wiping her out.
 But with some patience, I was able to get some pictures.
 I love the colors and the stillness of the river.
 Sadly, the river wouldn't stay undisturbed for long, but this made for a cool picture, so I'll accept it.
And a shot of the kayaker going under the bridge.

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