Sunday, October 19, 2014

Wandering Around Ann Arbor Today

So then I ended up wandering around Ann Arbor for a bit.  They decided they wanted to walk around, so I ended up taking a brief walk with my camera.
 As I was rounding the corner, I looked at the Michigan Theater through the Knight's window.  I kind of liked the reflective picture I was getting.  This is something I'd like to play around with a little more because I think I could get some neat effects.
 Looking across the street at the Michigan Theater.  One of these days, I should get inside so that I can take some pictures there.  It is a really nice looking theater on the inside.
 A shot of the State Theater.
 I was taking this picture more for the mural than anything else.  The mural belongs to Dave's Bookstore which either is or was upstairs.  This has been around for as long as I can remember.
 Looking at State Street.
 Looking across the Diag from the Grad Library.  I liked the fall colors.
 Looking towards the West Engineering Arch.
 I had to show my cousin the Law Library and point out the corbels around the Law School.  This is one of my favorite subjects on the campus.
 Looking at the entrance.
 Of course I had to take my cousin into the Law Library itself.  This makes for another nice picture I think.
 Looking through one of the archways.  These make for nice pictures on nice sunny days.
 And then I had to point out the other corbels.  Especially the ones that resemble the old Presidents.  I really like the way this picture turned out.
 Another one of those.
 I kind of like how this one turned out.
 I love the lighting in this one.  I think I may have said this before but for some reason this reminds me of a cloister or something.
 The same archway from the outside.
 Looking down the street.
 The tower of the Michigan Union.
 Angell Hall.
 And we gave it away for the sake of dream in Nickels Arcade...if you know what I mean.
 I had to take a picture of the grafitti area.
 Na na na na....Batman!
 Looking down the street at the Michigan Theater.
 Looking up at the sign.
 Looking down the street toward the Michigan Union.
 A shot of the Bell Tower from the top of one of the parking garages.
A plane flies overhead.

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