Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Snowy Day in Fostoria

So I ended up going to Fostoria.  I got a later start than I hoped because I didn't want to stay there too late.
 It didn't take long for the first train to appear.  It was a BNSF train heading east.  It has been a while since I've been to Fostoria, so I wasn't sure which track it would appear on, so I didn't get quite as nice of a picture as I wanted.
 I missed the two trains that followed the BNSF because one ended up heading north and the other followed that one.  I did catch this one.
 And then I heard the mile marker outside of Fostoria, so I waited for this train.  I managed to get my favorite view here.
 So then I caught it was it was passing.  The snow started to come down, so I decided to head out.
 As I was heading out, I saw this train heading down the track, so I stopped at the depot to get shots of it.
 I kind of like the snow in the pictures.
 Sort of a shot with the station.
And one more shot before heading back home.

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