Monday, November 10, 2014

The Belle Isle Conservatory

Since I was already next door, I figured I would pop into the Conservatory for a bit.  That is another place that it's been a while since I've visited.
 This is another Albert Kahn designed building.  It was based on Thomas Jefferson's Monticello.  One of these days, I'm going to have to check that one out.
 The Koi Pond has been emptied but there was still a little water left in it to provide this reflection.
 And then I decided to jump back into the world of color.
 Looking down the garden.  I think this gives a pretty good view of this end of Belle Isle.  To the left you can see the Peace Carillon.  Sort of in the center, there is the Casino.  Off in the distance is the Ren Cen.
 Looking back at the main structure.
 I'm not sure what this but I'll enjoy it all the same.
 I kind of liked this flower.
 One of a few orchids that are here.
 A pair of orchids.
 I really like this one.
 I thought these flowers looked pretty cool.
 another nice flower.
 This is similar to the statue at the Detroit Zoo and is by Marshall Fredericks.
One more view of the Conservatory.

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