Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Ken Boothe Sr./Lakes Contender a Little Later

So I went and grabbed lunch and waited a while for the next vessel.
 And that vessel was the tug/barge combination Ken Boothe Sr./Lakes Contender
 The combination is owned by American Steamship is actually quite nice looking for a tug/barge.
 She makes her turn towards Lake Huron.
 And is framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
 A closer shot of the combination with a little bit of the golden light.
 The pair under the Blue Water Bridge again.
 And they get a little closer.
 A shot of the tug portion.  I think it is actually a pretty nice looking tug. The blue is pleasing.
 and she starts to head out into Lake Huron.  Not quite sure where she is headed though.
 A shot of the rear of the tug.
And one more shot.

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