Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Ken Boothe Sr./Lakes Contender Passes Milliken State Park

I had yesterday off.  I had originally planned to go over to the Welland Canal this weekend but other things cropped up and put the kibosh on those plans.  I looked at AIS and saw that the river wasn't particularly busy but it was busy enough, so I headed down to Detroit.
 So first up was the tug/barge combination Ken Boothe Sr./Lakes Contender.  She's been on this blog a few times before but not before this year.
 This is rapidly becoming my favorite tug/barge.
 The tug is called the Ken Boothe Sr.  I believe both the tug and the barge were built in Erie, PA.
 The pair passes under the eye of Sauron.
 Another shot of the tug.
 Kind of a shot of her pilothouse.
 And she passes by.
 A shot of the Renaissance Center.,
And the Ambassador Bridge.

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