Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Shrine of the Little Flower in Black and White

I was up at the Troy office and so I decided to stop at the Shrine of the Little Flower on the way home.  I also decided to shot in black and white because of the thing I'm doing on Facebook.  Anyway, the pictures.
 This has been on here before, so I'm not going to go into much detail.  I do like this statue.
 This looks better when there are flowers around but it still looks pretty peaceful.
 The breaking of the bread.
 I kind of liked the look of this stained glass window.
 The Shrine itself is pretty impressive.  I think it lends itself pretty well to black and white.
 Giving you a better view of the tower.
 Looking up at the crucifix. 
 I think this is St. Therese but I'm not sure.
 Looking at the tower from another angle.
 One of the doors.
 For as many times as I've passed this, I never noticed it was a bird feeding its young.
 I can't pass on a ship.
Kind of an overall shot of the shrine.  I kind of wish I could get a better angle for this shot though.

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