Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Just Some Random Fog Shots

As I arrived on Belle Isle, some of the statues caught my eye.
 I liked the way they set off against the foggy background.
 A slightly closer shot of this Civil War Soldier.
 This statue is dedicated to the veterans of the Spanish-American War.  This is a representation of a sailor from that era.
 A closeup of his face.
 From a different angle.
 On the other side of the monument is a statue that represents an Army soldier from that period.  This is similar to a statue in Ypsilanti.
 A full shot of that statue.
 The fishing pier where I got most of my pictures today.
 A willow tree in the fog.
 The pond near the back of the park.  I kind of liked the way this looked in the fog.
A shot of the Tri-Centennial Light.  This is where I got the picture of the Jackson from.

I'll have to say that I was pretty pleased with my pictures from today.

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