Tuesday, December 30, 2014

One of the Pittsfield Fire Stations

This is actually some pictures that I've been meaning to get for a while.
 As I would drive home from work, I would look to see one of the Pittsfield Township Fire Stations and I kind of liked the way the fire engines looked in the front.   I thought it would make an interesting reflective picture.  Since I was heading that way yesterday,  I decided to stop an get a picture.
 The Fire Department is part of the Pittsfield Township Department of Safety.  I'm not sure when it was organized but it does look like it is split into a Fire and Police Department.
 Based on another website I found, it looks it is a mostly volunteer fire department but I would imagine they have a core group of people just in case.  Anyway, I do like the look of fire engines, so here's a picture.
 Another angle of the fire engine.
And one more...just for fun.

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