Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Spruceglen on a Foggy Day

So I decided to head over to Belle Isle today because I saw that there would be a few ships passing by today.  As I got closer to Detroit, I saw that it was getting pretty foggy.  I was pretty bummed because it seemed like it was pretty thick and I probably wouldn't get to see any ships.
 I felt a little more confident as I approached Belle Isle.  The fog was thick, but I didn't think it would be too thick to see any ships.  I didn't want to take any chances, so I went to the fishing pier because I thought that would put me close enough.  But as you can see, it wasn't quite close enough to see the Spruceglen.  In fact, if I weren't for her fog horn blasting, I might have missed her.  However, I think it makes for a fairly cool picture.
I pulled the lens out a bit to get the full expanse of the ship.  It was also raining.....

Oh well, I hope you enjoy the pictures.

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