Monday, January 12, 2015

And Now The Bristol Bay

The Bristol Bay has appeared on this blog a few times, as she is normally homeported in Detroit.  She was operating with the Griffon in order to help clear ice on the St. Clair River.
 I don't think I've ever gotten pictures of her in action.  I'm pretty sure I've gotten some pictures of other US Coast Guard vessels doing this.
 She pours on the smoke as she works hard to free the Jackson.  It was amazing listening to the conversations between the ship and the cutters. 
 Another shot of her.
 She heads up towards the Jackson in order to free her.  I kind of like the looks of these ships.
 Here she is near Algonac.
 Pouring on more smoke.  I can't imagine how much power it takes to move this much ice out of the way.
 More pulled out.
One more shot of her.

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