Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The F-15 Eagle

So I'm trying to do at least a picture a day.  I will have to admit, it is pretty tough to come up with a subject during the winter with it pretty much dark when I leave work and the weather.  I guess this gives me a chance to experiment with pictures that I don't normally do.

For this pictures, I took one of my models and used the light from my iPhone to light it.  I was actually hoping that would illuminate the plane fairly well and leave the background darker.
 Actually, I like how the plane turned out in this lighting.  I was hoping it would be a little lighter compared to the rest of the room.  But I guess that will come with a little more experimenting.
The F-15 Eagle was born out of the experience of the Vietnam War during dogfights with the North Vietnamese Air Force.  Many of the planes used in the war were developed in the fifties and early sixties and it was believed that planes wouldn't need a gun.  It was believed that guided missiles would replace the need for a gun.  I suppose if the missile technology were better, that would be the case.  I also suppose that the rules of engagement during the war, severely limited our ability to use the longer distance missiles.  As sort of a Band-Aid, the F-4 Phantom was equipped with a gun pod, however that wasn't quite as useful as a built in gun.

In 1968, the US Air Force send out a request for proposal for an aircraft to replace the F-4 Phantom.  They were looking for a plane with around 40,000 pounds of weight, a nearly 1 to 1 thrust ratio and single seat.  In 1969, McDonnell Douglas was announced as the winner of the contest.

The first flight of the F-15 was in 1972 and it reached operation in 1976.  Compare that with the dates for the F-22 sometime.  An offshoot in the F-15E Strike Eagle was developed a little later.  The F-15 still flies with the US Air Force as the C version.  It also flies with a number of our allies.  It is a pretty capable aircraft (but I still think the F-14 Tomcat is better).

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