Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ending the Day in South Haven

I decided to head up to the South Haven Lighthouse to end my day.
 Because the day was so nice, there were a few people here.  I wasn't terribly happy about that because it made it difficult to get shots without people in them.
 This pier was a little clearer, so I ended up walking out to the lighthouse.  I didn't bring my smaller lens though.
 I think this is a pretty nice looking lighthouse.  I just wish it had the range light like Grand Haven.
 I kind of like this shot.  I almost had the amount of ice I was looking for.
 The Arctic wasteland of Lake Michigan.  It was surprised to see some open water.
 This is where I wish I had a smaller lens.
 A shot from the other side.
 An almost clear lighthouse.

Just a couple more shots from the beach.

It was a pretty nice day yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Just FYI, some freighters docked in Huron, OH for the winter:
