Monday, February 9, 2015

The Captain Henry Jackman Passes St Clair

I know that there are usually a handful of ships that continue on after the canals and locks are closed.  There is still salt and other things that need to be delivered.
 I'm not sure what the Jackman is carrying, but I think she started on the Rouge River.  Her AIS destination was listed as "Chicago Once Again" yesterday.  As I was trying to figure out where she was heading from, her destination is listed as "Chicago Some Day".
 It's hard to believe that the Jackman was looking pretty nice at the beginning of the season.
 Now she looks like she has been around for a while.
 A shot of her bow.
 And she passes by, giving the nice beam shot.
 And she continues on her way up the St. Clair River.
I think this is probably the easiest part of her trip.  Judging by the pictures I've seen, there is quite a bit of ice around the Straits of Mackinac.

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